Film Opening Sequence Second Rough Cut


This is the second rough version of our film opening sequence. In this version, we combined the previous rough cut footage with music we thought would best fit it. This was to give us an idea on how the sequence will flow and what we should fix in the music mix to match the audio and transitions. We watched this over and discussed all elements that need to be fixed, as well as which specific parts should be used over which footage. Planned in the next version are diegetic sounds, split screen, smoother transitions, and a more reliable cut time-wise as we realized that some of the sequences don’t work for the music and might be too long, giving us a possibility to either cut it down, or make it more dynamic using using jump cuts. In consultation with the assistant editor, we decided on the sound structure of our sequence and which footage would work best at each time to match the music, allowing us to put in transitions and other cuts based on this timing into the next cut.


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